The number of Special Edition Bugatti Veyrons What? There's PUR Sang, in the blue sky Centenaire, Sang Noir, and Fbg by the Hermes, not to mention the numerous examples have been coated with gold or chrome-plated boredom chief who spent too much time in the sun. The Veyron Targa-field, or as a large movement, there have been a lot less time than their counterparts in the closed roof, but it is a matter of time open on a special version of its roof. Enter the sport, "Sang blue sky " that was launched this weekend Bugatti in Monterrey.

In the "Sang Blue Sky " is off to its unique two-tone combination is not the cause of a couple open new cans of paint back to the Bugatti factory Molsheim, France, but a combination of two materials: carbon fiber and aluminum. Radiant part, of course, mini-micron aluminum Liu, and we speak, but royal blue you see is a special colored carbon fiber. The only other difference between the "Sang blue sky " and the big movement is considered normal after the airscoops also body color, and the wheel is a unique design, with a midnight blue and diamond-cutting completed.
Only 20 standard luxury sports has been ordered and far below the actual delivery, so the "Sang Blue Sky " as a representative of the rarest of them all is well with the Veyron. There is only one, Bugatti did not mention any limit on it will enter production, but taking into account the tendency to make a special version of the brand, we expect the "Sang blue sky " would apply to any person with any person with a few million dollars a trade.